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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Australian Disclosures In Corporate Sector -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Australian Disclosures In Corporate Sector? Answer: Presentation The report is planned to feature on the fundamental clients of General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR) alongside the method of reasoning for the equivalent. It additionally characterizes the subjective qualities referenced according to the norm. The following area of the report has anybody identified with what degree the most recent and will report for an organization recorded under ASX 300 Index has had the option to meet the standards for divulgence necessity for AASB 116. It has been especially guaranteed that the organization is having 30th June as the year-end. So as to play out the examination, Monash Ivf Group Limited has been chosen. In view of the investigation on the revelations consistence the report has had the option to recommend on two subjective upgrading attributes for the chose organization. The last piece of the report has had the option to basically examine on the exposures on meeting the PPE measures for the essential clients. Residents of a nation are distinguished as the essential clients of GPFRs. The lawmaking body or a the same body alongside Parliament part or the same delegates are likewise considered as a significant client for GPFR. Residents are viewed as essential clients of GPFR as they get and offer support simultaneously to the administration and other open segment elements, from this time forward they have to depend on GPFRs for the fundamental data which associates in dynamic purposes and responsibility ( 2017). According to OB 5 to OB 10, the subjective attributes of practical data according to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting states that few existing likely speculators and moneylenders alongside extra loan bosses can't require the revealing elements for giving data straightforwardly to them and ought to reliably depend on the prerequisites for broadly useful reports. In light of QC-1 to QC-39 a portion of the basic subjective qualities with respect to the theoretical structure has been recognized as far as pertinence, materiality, dedicated portrayal, evidence, practicality, understandability and thought of cost requirement. The equivalent has been spoken to in the Appendix 1 of the examination. The devoted portrayal part of the monetary data has been distinguished as far as potential to have any kind of effect in choices delineation of complete, nonpartisan and mistake free report. The fundamental target of the board has been found regarding boosting the quality however mu ch as could reasonably be expected ( 2017). In view of the delineation of yearly report of Monash Ivf Group Limited distributed in the year 2016, it has been recognized that the explanation for the worthy strategy for deterioration and amortization are done dependent on Amendments to AASB 116 and AASB 138. Another significant utilization of Amendments to AASB 116 and AASB 141 has been clear with horticultural carrier plants. Under Section 30 of AASB 116 (Cost model), the administration of acknowledgment under the cost model expresses that subsequent to perceiving a benefit, for example, PPE, the aggregate sum ought to be conveyed according to the cost less any collected decrease and hindrance misfortunes. Likewise, Monash Ivf Group Limited has played out the key gauge and judgment for hardware by deteriorating/amortizing over its valuable financial life. Furthermore, the devaluation sum has been fill in for cost, less its leftover worth. The devaluation technique for the organization has been additionally related to benefit or misfortune on straight-line premise over the assessed valuable existence of PPE. This is in a roundabout way found as far as consistence with devaluation technique expressed under Section 62 of AASB 116 ( 2017). What's more, the organization has properly consented to Section 3b of AASB 116 which is related to natural resources connected with rural action. Thus, the organization is unmistakably expressed that its horticultural conveyor plants are in consistence with Amendments to AASB 116 and AASB 141. The previously mentioned discoveries have been plainly introduced in Appendix 2 area of the examination (Deegan 2013). Among the few kinds of subjective attributes helpful for money related data according to theoretical system for monetary revealing, significance and understandability has been distinguished as the two fundamental subjective qualities for Monash Ivf Group Limited. The adherence to pertinence quality attributes for the organization has been clear in working fragment, tax assessment, income per offer and profits. The fragment EBITDA has had the option to quantify the presentation with most significant aftereffects of portions according to the substances which works in the business of human services. Also, the divided PBT has been consolidated in the inside administration and appropriately looked into by Groups CODM. It has been utilized as a proportion of execution as the administration is of the thought that such data in assessing the money related outcome is applicable to their separate sections corresponding to different kinds of different elements which are working in a similar industry. The hindrance testing for the sum to be recuperated has been assessed to be high than the standard conveying sum and liable for important suspicion with sensible conceivable change to the significant sources of info and such information will not bring about any recoverable sum being lesser than the genuine measure of conveying. The organization has been additionally seen to cling to long haul commitments with pertinent market changes for the corporate securities which are having graduated eighth approximating the terms of commitment of the gathering. In this way, it very well may be unmistakably observed that the money related data has the capacity of having any kind of effect in choices made by clients. It has been additionally seen that the data distributed by the organization has corroborative worth and prescient worth which legitimately conforms to importance quality viewpoint under QC 6 to QC 10 properly expressed in Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting (Cheng et al. 2014). The understandability quality viewpoint has been appropriately kept up by the gathering through the sorting out the notes to the budget summaries into a few areas which will help the clients in better understanding the presentation of the gathering. What's more, the progressions proposed by the gathering has had the option to give the clients a more clear comprehension for the components which drive the monetary exhibition, budgetary situation for the gathering in this manner recommending on better arrangement of gathering technique and conforming to the arrangements of Corporations Act 2001. Thusly, it tends to be said that the organization can order, portray and present the data in an unmistakable and compact way which makes it reasonable to the client. Notwithstanding this the money related reports have been arranged in any event, for clients having a sensible information on monetary and business exercises. Due to the previously mentioned factors it tends to be expressed that can cling to understandability quality according to applied structure (Abeysekera 2013). The organization has had the option to perceive the PPE esteems to be determined sheet with most extreme pertinence to the recommended rules. It has been further ready to distinguish the rate change in property costs for both present and past money related year. The significant qualities for the installments for property plant and gear have been noted in the net incomes created from the working exercises (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts 2015). The significant understandability factor has been secured with briefly isolating the PPE esteems for the present and earlier year in the yearly report. The understandability angle has been appropriately kept up by plainly expressing about the legally binding responsibility for the securing of PPE. In 30 June 2016, the parent substance of Monash Group was not seen to have any capital responsibility related to procurement of PPE (Wahlen, Baginski and Bradshaw 2014). End The organization needs to take a few upgrades which are related to improve the monetary detailing by including the extension base kinds of materiality perspectives in the budgetary report. There is likewise no cost imperative on helpful budgetary revealing which has been given in the money related report. It has been additionally observed that that there has been a few disadvantages related to similarity part of the budgetary detailing which ought to have been appeared with the progressions embraced alongside eye of IFRS. Reference list Abeysekera, I., 2013. A format for incorporated reporting.Journal of Intellectual Capital,14(2), pp.227-245. (2017).AnnualReport. [online] Available at:[Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. Cheng, M., Green, W., Conradie, P., Konishi, N. what's more, Romi, A., 2014. The universal coordinated announcing structure: key issues and future exploration operations.Journal of International Financial Management Accounting,25(1), pp.90-119. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. Deegan, C., 2013.Financial bookkeeping hypothesis. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. McNeil, A.J., Frey, R. also, Embrechts, P., 2015.Quantitative hazard the board: Concepts, procedures and instruments. Princeton college press. Wahlen, J., Baginski, S. furthermore, Bradshaw, M., 2014.Financial announcing, budget report investigation and valuation. Nelson Education.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reply to a letter + rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answer to a letter + method of reasoning - Essay Example As you may know, this should effectively be possible in the event that you check the expiry dates of the items you purchase while you are in the store itself, if the occasions of what you blame are so uncontrolled. Since you have neglected to do both of these or to get the declaration of somebody whose character is reliable for general society, you are doing nothing deceptive the individuals and tattling about an organization of good notoriety for some ulterior intention. I might want to call attention to certain irregularities in your contention that Jawad is harming its clients so as to make a benefit. In the event that you were as much worried about the soundness of the individuals in your territory, you would have attempted to take care of the issue when you discovered that the puff baked good you purchased during Ramadan had lapsed a day prior. In any case, considering the way that you could have thought of this as an uncommon episode, one could fathom your potential reasons for not reacting. Be that as it may, it remains the way that it would have been a perfect time to uncover the store’s shrouded thought processes (on the off chance that they existed) since you could without much of a stretch have returned to the store (as a result of the store’s â€Å"proximity to your house†) and requested to check the staying twin puff cake with the â€Å"special offer†for Ramadan. Indeed, the second time a comparative episode occurred could have been adequate enough to anger you. You ought to have reclaimed the nose splash, alongside its bill, to the drug store when you discovered that it had terminated two months prior. Rather, you just â€Å"tossed it in the trash†. Your admission this is another case of â€Å"more carelessness†is to be sure a persuading one. Else, you could have checked the expiry date at the drug store itself, which clients generally do. Furthermore, your â€Å"strike three†occurrence sounds ev en more inquisitive, since you don't make reference to when you discovered that the lunch room you purchased terminated in October. I find that your
Friday, August 7, 2020
Ladies Bringing The LOLs
Ladies Bringing The LOLs When I am convicted of murder, know it will be because someone made an offhand comment about women not being funny in my presence. (Note it’s always the really boring guys who say this, the ones that wouldn’t know a joke if crawled into their butthole and started playing mariachi tunes.) Women are freakin’ hilarious, we have to be if we’re going to face down the madness of this world and make it through. The following books have been a funny friend to me when I needed them I have real friends, obviously, but they’re not always available at 3am, while I’m in the bath or safely secured in my airplane seat pocket. Some of these names you’ll know, the rest you need to know. The books are great, the audiobook versions are often even better if you’re aurally inclined, and none of them will let you down on a bad day. The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer I’m halfway through this but damn, Amy has let us into her heart, and her vagina. Yes, it’s got the filthy jokes and cockiness (nudge nudge) of her stand up but she also speaks with an honesty about her family, dating life and celebrity status that can sometimes be skipped over in lesser memoirs. Bossypants by Tina Fey The obvious one, but it’s just so good that if I’d made this list without it on I’d have been haunted by the ghost of Liz Lemon for the rest of my days. Anxiety, butt expectations, working life, motherhood, it’s like getting stuck in a lift with Fey but in a really good way. “Dont waste your energy trying to change opinions Do your thing, and dont care if they like it.†See? Wise. So wise and funny I want to build a house in The Sims and put just me and Fey in it. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling I could have also called this list “people I want to be friends with†and it would totally would have worked. Just not in an SEO sense. Kaling just has a swagger about her that absolutely translate into her sentences. This book is the equivalent of the person you meet in the kitchen right at the start of the party, and end up following around all night just to hear a few more anecdotes about revenge, looking up the Donner Party on the internet and N Sync. Yes Please by Amy Poehler This should really come in a box set with Fey’s Bossypants, the two are such close friends that the parts about their relationships overlap in the best way. You know those bits in Parks And Rec where Leslie Knope would give kindly advice to someone and it would be warm and funny all at once? This whole book is like that. “Treat your career like a bad boyfriend,†and “fighting aging is like the war on drugs†are just a couple that have stayed with me. The Actual One: Or How to Avoid Settling Down For as Long as Possible by Isy Sutie America may not be aware of the wonder that is Isy Sutie, star of Peep Show and singing stand-up, but she is worth looking up. This book is a sometimes painful, always wry looked at the drive to pair up and find your soulmate complete with a tragic tale of a papier-mâché penguin and a terrible occurrence of simultaneous gastric distress. Animal: The Autobiography of a Female Body by Sara Pascoe When Sara Pascoe was offered the chance to write a book she skipped over the memoir stuff and actually wrote an amazing bunch of essays about the female body, sex, and relationships. It made me laugh and taught me stuff, my PMS is better because of a fact about hormones and livers and drinking! Much as I love the rest of the ladies on this list, none of them have directly influenced my menstruation. A Beginners Guide to Acting English by Shappi Korsandi Another British stand-up, another amazing memoir. Just your usual hilarious childhood anecdotes about being forced to flee Iran and in actual danger from the Ayatollah. You know, the usual stuff. Incredible events aside, Korsandi could have been writing about growing up in Milwaukee and it would it still come with her cut your fingers to ribbons wit.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Philosopher Hypatia of Ancient Alexandria
Known for: Greek intellectual and teacher in Alexandria, Egypt, known for mathematics and philosophy, martyred by Christian mob Dates: born about 350 to 370, died 416 Alternate spelling: Ipazia About Hypatia Hypatia was the daughter of Theon of Alexandria who was a teacher of mathematics with the Museum of Alexandria in Egypt. A center of Greek intellectual and cultural life, the Museum included many independent schools and the great library of Alexandria. Hypatia studied with her father, and with many others including Plutarch the Younger. She herself taught at the Neoplatonist school of philosophy. She became the salaried director of this school in 400. She probably wrote on mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy, including about the motions of the planets, about number theory and about conic sections. Accomplishments Hypatia, according to sources, corresponded with and hosted scholars from other cities. Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais, was one of her correspondents and he visited her frequently. Hypatia was a popular lecturer, drawing students from many parts of the empire. From the little historical information about Hypatia that survives, it is surmised by some that she invented the plane astrolabe, the graduated brass hydrometer, and the hydroscope, with Synesius of Greece, who was her student and later colleague. The evidence may also point to simply being able to construct those instruments. Hypatia is said to have dressed in the clothing of a scholar or teacher, rather than in womens clothing. She moved about freely, driving her own chariot, contrary to the norm for womens public behavior. She was credited by the surviving sources as having political influence in the city, especially with Orestes, the Roman governor of Alexandria. Hypatias Death The story by Socrates Scholasticus written soon after Hypatias death and the version written by John of Nikiu of Egypt more than 200 years later disagree in considerable detail, although both were written by Christians. Both seem to be focused on justifying the expulsion of the Jews by Cyril, the Christian bishop, and on associating Orestes with Hypatia. In both, Hypatias death was a result of a conflict between the Orestes and Cyril, later made a saint of the church. According to Scholasticus, an order of Orestes to control Jewish celebrations met with approval by Christians, then to violence between the Christians and the Jews. The Christian-told stories make it clear that they blame the Jews for the mass killing of Christians, leading to the banishment of the Jews of Alexandria by Cyril. Cyril accused Orestes of being a pagan, and a large group of monks who came to fight with Cyril attacked Orestes. A monk who injured Orestes was arrested and tortured. John of Nikiu accuses Orestes of inflaming the Jews against the Christians, also telling a story of the mass killing of Christians by Jews, followed by Cyril purging the Jews from Alexandria and converting the synagogues to churches. Johns version leaves out the part about a large group of monks coming to town and joining the Christian forces against the Jews and Orestes. Hypatia enters the story as someone associated with Orestes and suspected by the angry Christians of advising Orestes not to reconcile with Cyril. In John of Nikius account, Orestes was causing people to leave the church and follow Hypatia. He associated her with Satan and accused her of converting people away from Christianity. Scholasticus credits Cyrils preaching against Hypatia with inciting a mob led by fanatical Christian monks to attack Hypatia as she drove her chariot through Alexandria. They dragged her from her chariot, stripped her, killed her, stripped her flesh from her bones, scattered her body parts through the streets, and burned some remaining parts of her body in the library of Caesareum. Johns version of her death is also that a mob -- for him justified because she beguiled the people of the city and the prefect through her enchantments -- stripped her naked and dragged her through the city until she died. Legacy of Hypatia Hypatias students fled to Athens, where the study of mathematics flourished after that. The Neoplatonic school she headed continued in Alexandria until the Arabs invaded in 642. When the library of Alexandria was burned, the works of Hypatia were destroyed. That burning happened primarily in Roman times. We know her writings today through the works of others who quoted her -- even if unfavorably -- and a few letters written to her by contemporaries. Books About Hypatia Dzielska, Maria. Hypatia of Alexandria. 1995.Amore, Khan. Hypatia. 2001. (a novel)Knorr, Wilbur Richard. Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Geometry. 1989.Nietupski, Nancy. Hypatia: Mathematician, Astronomer, and Philosopher. Alexandria 2.Kramer, Edna E. Hypatia. The Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Gillispie, Charles C. ed. 1970-1990.Mueller, Ian. Hypatia (370?-415). Women of Mathematics. Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell, ed. 1987.Alic, Margaret. Hypatias Heritage: A History of Women in Science from Antiquity Through the Nineteenth Century. 1986. Hypatia appears as a character or theme in several works of other writers, including in Hypatia, or New Foes with Old Faces, a historical novel by Charles Kingley.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Sexuality And Its Effect On Children Essay - 1003 Words
Sexuality has always been a taboo topic of discussion in most societies. Whether it is talked about it casually among friends or for educational reasons, the subject of sex is bound to trigger some controversy. In contrast, with the exponential growth of technology, Internet, and social media, sexual images can be found with the click of a mouse. Here lies a great contradiction. If sex is so easily portrayed in media, why is so hard to talk about? Becoming educated about sexuality and achieving optimal sexual health and well-being should be lifelong developmental process that begins at an early age and continues throughout the lifespan. Although parents should be the initial educators for their children, children also absorb messages about sexuality from many of media sources. This can potentially leave a confusing and potentially negative perception about the expectations and reality of sex. To combat such misperceptions, school systems and other community-based associations are e ssential. Such programs should be utilized, along side parental advocacy, to provide ayoung people correct and developmentally appropriate comprehensive sex education. While it is imperative that parents need to be the primary sex educators for their children, some parents may lack the support or do not have accurate information to so. As a result, these parents need have the support and resources from health educators and professionals to be able to tackle such complex issues. It is soShow MoreRelatedSexuality And Its Effects On Children Essay1429 Words  | 6 PagesI want to know much more in this matter â€Å". Aditi is not the only child to have such questions about sexuality; the girls of her age do possess such inquisitive feelings. Only few get satisfactory replies to their question on this matter. However, in today’s scientific age, where open discussion on this subject is considered to be inferiority and reading books, magazines, periodicals on sexuality is termed as immoral where shall these girls tend answers to their questions? Is’nt our narrow mindedRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexuality On Children s Sexual Abuse1652 Words  | 7 PagesOver centuries, sexuality has been a controversial concept, which has been seen , understood and regulated differently within societies. With regard the sexual treatment of children, the shift in thinking that has taken place has been also major. Jenks (1996) outlines that in history there have been recorded a multitude of examples of sexual maltreatment of children, that in nowadays would be defined as child sexual abuse. Only in the last three decades there have been a strong and overwhelmingRead MoreHuman Sexuality And Its Effects On Children And Young People Understand1309 Words  | 6 PagesMuch has been made of the role of human sexuality, yet little has been said about the importance of learning about human sexuality. Sex has been the same since time began, and we cannot continue to ignore the reality of what children are being exposed to. Being educated about these topics, being educated, in general is important to me. Education is what will help this world with inequalities, and so many other problems. Human sexuality has become one of the topics that have caught my attention becauseRead MoreGlobalization And Sexuality1247 Words  | 5 Pagescharacters. Sexuality refers to how people relate to sexual activities or perceive sexual matters. Sexuality may differ from one culture to the other, but the cultures are likely to influence each other’s sexual beliefs and orientation. Globalization has had an extensive influence on the changes witnessed in sexuality across the globe. It is through globalization that sexual purposes have gotten new meanings. Some of the topics which come up as a link between globalization and sexuality are sexualRead MoreHuman Sexuality Education : A Natural Part Of Our Everyday Lives1188 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Sexuality Education Paper As a very natural part of our everyday lives and existence as humans, it is perplexing how so many Americans are undereducated about human reproductive systems and sex organs, their structures and functions, and the various effects and consequences of human sexuality. The responsibility of properly educating young people about human sexuality is in the hands of parents and schools. Educational programs in U. S. schools today, such as Abstinence Only and AbstinenceRead MoreMedia Influence On The Media993 Words  | 4 Pages they can do anything. Media is the way to translate different news, videos, music over the people. I think media influence the most about the sexuality. Media influence me by showing different sexual stories in the newspaper, by posting videos and picture on the website, and by watching different sexual videos on movies influence the most about sexuality. It is a positive influence because we can get the knowledge about sexual precaution and awareness. Televisi on programs influence about sexualRead MoreComprehensive Reality-Based Sexuality Education Essay549 Words  | 3 PagesComprehensive Reality-Based Sexuality Education What is comprehensive, reality-based sexuality education? True comprehensive, reality-based sexuality education seeks to assist young people in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future. Ideally, sexuality education is taught in ways that are age- and experience-appropriate in kindergartenRead MoreThe Invention Of Sexuality As A Social Construct955 Words  | 4 PagesSince the invention of sexuality as a social construct, there has been the invention of heterosexual versus the other – with the other being anything beyond opposite-sex attraction. This otherness creates discrimination and hatred, thus reinforcing a normal versus abnormal feeling within people. In 2013, 42% of Americans confessed that they believed that being gay or lesbian was a choice, and that choice was to live an abnormal lifestyle (Masci, Americans Are Still Divided on Why People Are Gay)Read MoreThe History Of Sexuality By Michel Foucault1729 Words  | 7 Pageschapter of the book entitled â€Å"The History of Sexuality†by Michel Foucault seeks to explain the traditional and modern issues regarding sexuality. Michel argues out that during the 17th century, sexuality was not a big deal, and various sexual acts were pursued more or less deliberately. Primarily, there was no taboo concerning sex and people of all age groups including children were well aware of sexual behaviours. Michel then points out that sexuality was now shifted to the homes where it was meantRead MoreIs Sexuality Shaped By Other Social Factors?1628 Words  | 7 PagesPlease insert your essay here. Please specify which essay question you are addressing How is sexuality shaped by other social factors? Sexuality does not develop within a vacuum separate to society or politics. All social factors play a role in shaping one another and sexuality is no different. Here sexuality can be loosely defined as a person’s capacity for sexual feelings, sexual identity or preferences and their sexual activity. Secondly, ‘disability’ can be defined loosely as: ‘a physical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lear and the Fool Free Essays
1. How does William Shakespeare use changes in the Fool’s dialogue to mirror changes in Lear’s own perspective? Choose quotes from the sheet that support your argument. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Lear and the Fool or any similar topic only for you Order Now How does William Shakespeare use the Fool to reflect Lear’s own thoughts and fears? Use a quote from the sheet to support your argument. The Fool’s dialogue is like a mockery of King Lear – he speaks pure honesty of Lear but adds hints of comedy to balance out the rudeness implied. The Fool re-enacts King Lear’s life by acting out his choices and proves how much of an oblivious and naive fool King Lear was before. The Fool creates a figure – much like King Lear, to act out the foolish behaviour that Lear had behaved earlier such as giving his kingdom to his two daughters, Regan and Goneril because he had trusted them. Now that the true figure of his daughters have been revealed, showing their dishonesty and evil nature, King Lear is upset that he had held that much trust in them and the Fool is represented in there to show Lear’s failure as a King. The quote, ‘if thou wert my fool, nuncle, I’d have thee beaten for being old before thy time’ represents that now the Fool believes that King Lear is now the real fool. Why did William Shakespeare include mockery and obscene humour in such tragic play? Which part of the audience would appreciate this the most? Give examples from the quotes supplied. The mockery used by the Fool is to balance out the tragic honesty and brutality with comedy to ease and balance it out so that the play is not all tragedy. The audience that were the closest to the stage were given direct jokes from the Fool about the protagonist, this is usually done to the closest to the stage – which were usually the poor people since they would not be able to receive any seats higher. How to cite Lear and the Fool, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
NIKE Essay Example For Students
NIKE Essay Barber 1Table of ContentsIntroductionpage 2Historypage 2Total 3Gross 3Net Incomepage 4Current Assetspage 4Current 4Working Capital.pages 4 5Nikes Healthpage 5Common Stock 5Nikes Sales 5Nikes Fiscal Yearpage 6Illustrations and Graphspages 7 12Works Citedpage 13Barber 2HistoryNike is probably the mot well known name in sports athletic apparel. Nike has supported the most prolific names n sports. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Ken Griffey Jr. are just a few of the athletes that Nike sponsors. The companys revenue constantly grosses in the billions. The company continues to dominate the athletic apparel industry. Nike was established in 1957 by a coach and an athlete. The two went on to establish the most successful footwear company in the world. Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight are the two founders. From 1961 to 1971, Knight joined with a Japanese company named Tiger. He thought that the company would end Germanys domination over the footwear industry. When he met with the company, they asked what company he represented and Knight came up instantly with the name Blue Ribbon Sports. The company would later become Nike. Blue Ribbons revenue continued to rise and in 1971, a student names Carolyn Davidson designed the Nike Swoosh symbol for $35. In 1972, Blue Ribbon separated from Tiger and became Nike. The company arrived at the name from the Greek Goddess of victory, Nike. The 2700 employee company went public in 1980. From 1981 to 1991, Nike began to sponsor the top athletes in the world of sports. Nike pursued the likes of athletes such as Carl Lewis and Michael Jordan. Nike Company topped the 107 billion-dollar mark in 1986. The company established the Just Do It campaign in 1987. Nike continues to dominate the footwear category not only in the United States, but also in Canada, Japan, and Taiwan. Barber 3Financial Statement AnalyzationNikes financial history has fluctuated constantly in the past five years. In the years 1998 and 2001, Nikes revenues were at its highest ten year point. The price of Nikes common stock has gone down in the past five years. It was at its highest point in 1997 and next highest in 1999. RevenueThe Chicago Bulls had won their second National Basketball Association championship in 1997. Michael Jordan was the best basketball player at the time and everyone wanted to be like Mike. Jordan was under a contract with Nike for his Air Jordan sneakers. This was great for Nike, because it allowed the company to capitalize off of Jordans success. Nikes revenue for 1997 was $9,186.5 million. This was an increase of nearly 3 billion dollars from 1996. The Chicago Bulls had completed a three peat in 1998. Michael Jordan was still under a contract with Nike and the company was able to capitalize again with the revenue increasing by $400 million to $9, 553.1 million in 1998. In 1999, the price of Nikes common stock had risen but its total revenues had fallen nearly 1 billion dollars from the previous year to $8, 7769. Nikes revenues had increased to $8, 995.1 in 2000 and to $9, 488.8 in 2001. These numbers are for the fiscal year ended May 31. Gross MarginThe gross margin ratio is defined as gross margin (net sales minus cost of goods sold) divided by net sale. Nikes gross margin ratio was 40.1% in 1997. The highest it had been in a ten year period. The ratio had fallen to 36.5% in 1998. It began to Barber 4increase in 1999 to 37.4%. The gross margin ratio was 39.9% in 2000. Nearly as high as it was in 1997. The gross margin ratio had fallen only .9% in 2001 to 39.0%. .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .postImageUrl , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:hover , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:visited , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:active { border:0!important; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:active , .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69 .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u399079ff927c9e10ae8674541cc65a69:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Should the man or woman dominate the relationship? EssayNet Income1997 was a good year fro Nike. Nearly all of its financial numbers were at their highest ten year point. Nikes net income was $795.8 million in 1997. That was an increase of $242.6 million from 1996. There was a dramatic decrease in net income in 1998. Nikes net income was $399.6 million in 1998. In 1999, the net income increased $60 million to $451.4 million. The net income increased steadily in 2000 and 2001. The number increased from $579.1 million in 200 to $589.7 million in 2001. Current AssetsNikes current assets were at their highest ten year mark in 2000 and 2001. The total assets had increased nearly $600 million in 2000. The amount was $5, 856.9 million. The number had fallen somewhat in 2001 to $5, 819.6 million. Current LiabilitiesNike was having very good revenue numbers in 2000 and in 2001. The numbers that the company produced were good for stockholders and for the company. The total current liabilities for the company were relatively small. The liability count was $470.3 million in 2000 and had decreased to $435.9 in 2001. Working CapitalNikes working capital in 2000 had decreased nearly $400 million from the previous year. The working capital in 2000 was $1, 456.4 million. In 2001, the working Barber 5capital had increased nearly $400 million. This number was greater than the amount in 1999. The working capital was $1, 838.6 million in 2001. Nikes HealthNike is constantly going to be a leader in the athletic apparel department. The company continues to have the most attractive advertising and it also continues to attract the best athletic clientele in all aspects of sports. Nike is still considered to be the top company in the footwear competition. The companys numbers are constantly increasing. The price of the stock may fall, but the liabilities and total income continues to rise. This is a reason that Nike is still considered to be one of the healthiest companies in the athletic business. Average Common StockNikes outstanding shares of common stock was at 288.4 million in 1997. This was an increase of .8% from 1996. The companys outstanding shares in 1998 were at 288.7 million. The number began to decrease steadily each year after that due to the company being heavily traded on the stock market. The number was 283.3 in 1999. It was at 279.4 in 2000. The number had decreased by 6.1 to 273.3 in 20001. Nikes 2001 Sales HealthNikes sales were very appealing in 2001 when compared to 2000; the company increased its numbers a great amount in almost all categories. Its revenues were better than the previous years and there was also a higher return on equity. 2001 was a good year for Nike Company. The numbers were very similar to that of 1997 when Nike could have been said to be at its peak. Barber 6Nikes Fiscal Year and ConclusionNike Companys fiscal year end at May 31 each year. Looking at Nikes financial numbers shows that the company is not only a top choice in the general publics eye, but also to many investors. Nike is a company that an investor would find very attractive. It is a company that has high revenue numbers each year and is established. When thinking about what to do about a Nike stock, Just Do IT. Barber 13Works Cited1.A Coach and an Athlete.www.Yahoo.com2.1997 History. www.Nike.com3.1998 History. www.Nike.com4.1999 History. www.Nike.com5.2000 History. www.Nike.com6.2001 History. www.Nike.com7. Nikes Eleven Year Financial History.
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