Monday, September 30, 2019
“East of Eden†by John Steinbeck Essay
The prosecution will begin by establishing the character of the defendant, and further prove that the criminal acts committed by Ms. Catherine Ames were not random, but rather a part of a cynical mindset that deliberately caused harm. Catherine Ames was without a doubt, a stunning work of beauty with the power to make all heads turn everywhere she went. She have lovely gold hair, big hazel eyes, pointy small chin along with a delicate nose, and high cheekbones giving her a heart shaped face. She was an adorable child that became an irresistible woman with the power to make all man fall head over heels. With a timid smile and a soft spoken voice, this appears to be the perfect woman. However, let us not be fooled by her angelic appearance. Catherine Ames is a cruel, manipulative, sadistic being who knows how to get anything she wants through the lust from men. She was able to use her beauty to her advantage even as a young child. The very first incident was when Ms. Catherine Ames used her wittiness and manipulative skills to inflict moral and physical pain to two boys. The boys received immense punishments for actions that she herself encouraged, but declared herself a victim to preserve her reputation. Cathy used her sheer beauty and manipulation to seduce her Latin teacher James Grew. When she had James Grew’s heart in the palm of her hand, she denied him any affection or love, making him commit suicide. Cathy took an educated kind man and turned him into rubble just because she could. As Cathy grew she became more destructive and morally impotent. It became quite clear that Cathy had no respect for authority when she ran away from home and went to Boston. She was pushed to the edge after being caught trying to run away from home and was beat and punished. Driven by agitation she stole all her father’s money out of his safe. She cleaned the cellar and stuffed papers all around the edges of the foundation to block the draft. She oiled the hinges, the lock of the kitchen door and the hinges of the front door. She continued to prepare, on the night of the crime, she put on an old apron to protect her clothes and found a jelly jar and carried it to the carriage house. She then found a chicken, cut its head off, and filled the jar halfway with the blood. She then buried the evidence of the chicken. She then took off the apron in the kitchen and put it on the stove. She poked the coals until the apron caught on fire. Again before leaving she hid the evidence of the jelly jar. She remorselessly locked her parents in their house and set it on fire. Her parents sad death did not make Cathy shed a tear as she was looking into a new exciting career: prostitution. When she meets Mr. Edwards she is keen to provoke him to become sexually attracted to her. After he puts her up in his own house, keeping her from his wife and providing for her, she begins to steal from him. She also locks him out of his own house and takes control of his property. When he realizes something horrible about Cathy, he attempts to get her drunk one night. While drunk she stabs him with a broken wine glass. Driven by her intoxication, she stabs him in the cheek and sends him running away from his own house. Her impulsive and evil nature was evident through her actions that night. After a bad run in with the whoremaster Mr. Edwards, Cathy successfully manipulated Adam Trask to fall in love with her. After Adam had provided Cathy with unconditional love and support during her weak time, she repaid him by sleeping with his brother Charles behind Adam’s back. After they moved to California to start off new Cathy and Adam had their twins she coldheartedly did not want to look at them claiming â€Å"No. I don’t want them†After she recovered from giving birth, she abandoned Adam and the twins. After abandoning her husband and children Cathy became a working girl in a whorehouse. Now under the alias Kate, Cathy manipulated Faye the owner of the whorehouse into signing a will giving everything to Cathie upon Faye’s death. After, slowly and painfully killing Faye, Cathie assumed control of the whorehouse. When it was thought that Cathy could not go any lower, when her son Caleb discovered the truth about her and wanted to be a changed man, she told him he can’t and he will become exactly like her as he grows up, sinful and damned. It’s quite clear that Cathy is not a noble human being with good intentions. Her life has been filled with nothing else but hatred for others and schemes to get as much money as possible. Evidence presented here after show the criminal acts that Cathy has committed throughout her life, crimes that she admitted to performing without remorse. Cathy had committed crimes against law of the nation and crimes against religion as well. Even though she is no where near of being religiously moderate, she still followed the religion of Christianity for her marriage to Adam Trask. Cathy did commit some major felonies toward God such as committing adultery. First, adultery means having sexual relations between an individual who is married and someone who is not the individual’s spouse. In Christianity, adultery is considered a major sin which shows betrayal and lack of trust by that individual in the marriage. In the last two lines of Chapter 11, it states â€Å"Suddenly Charles laughed. â€Å"The Poor bastard,†he said, and he threw back the blanket to receive her.†Cathy did not care if she slept with Charles. Better yet, she does not embrace her marriage by sleeping with Charles. She is an embodiment of pure evil driven by self-hatred, desperation, and a love of pain, and Cathy destroys lives without any sen se of remorse. She wanted something to satisfy her cruel nature and did so behind Adam’s back. In the bible, Cathy is directly compared to Eve when Eve eats a forbidden fruit and introducing sin into the world. Cathy did the same by committing a forbidden act of trust and friendship. This proves to show the hypocrisy that exists in Cathy with no moral influence or structure. Cathy, without mentioning anything to her husband Adam, tried to abort her two children with a knitting needle while Adam was out obtaining information on his plot of land. If that isn’t terrible enough, Cathy gives the reason that she has a family history of epilepsy and did not want to pass it on to her children which is a blatant lie. This attempt at abortion was a complete secret from Adam until she was found unconscious due to a great lose of blood. Cathy tried to murder her unborn children while Adam was away and didn’t even tell him that she was pregnant in the first place. This was a disgusting act of attempted murder upon two completely helpless and vulnerable unborn children in which Cathy should be punished for. After Cathy attempted to murder her unborn children Cathy moved onto bigger and more horrific things. She attempted to murder Adam, her husband. A week after the birth of newborn twins, Cathy decides that she is going to abandon them and leave Adam alone. Before leaving, Cathy pulled out a handgun and shot Adam. Luckily she had bad aim and only hit him in the shoulder but we all know that she was aiming to kill him. After Cathy shot Adam, she ran out of the house and out of Adams’ life forever. This is the second time Cathy attempts to murder someone in her life. First it was her unborn children, and now her husband. Cathy is nothing but a murderer and cares for nothing but to inflict pain upon others. Another sin in which Cathy tries to commit is suicide. Suicide is not illegal by law in the nation except for some states, but this act of killing oneself is considered a sin and a crime against god. One of the commandments states that specifically â€Å"Thou shall not kill†which can pertain to a person’s life or their own life. In page 554, Cathy takes her own life by using a cyanide pill. This by far is much is strongly against the teachings of God and it goes against one of his commandments. God said there will be consequences for whoever commits suicide and that would be punishment in hell. Cathy may have her reasons to commit suicide, such as arthritic pain, low self esteem, and a painful life. However, this is the life she chose to follow as being sick and maliciously evil towards others which caused the downfall for her life.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
“Death on the Ice†by Cassie Brown Essay
Since the beginning of time the individual has been in a conflict. In the novel Death on The Ice by Cassie Brown we are shown how the crew of the Newfoundland survived in great hardship. The examples I will be showing you are of Jesse Collins with his struggle against the failing hope of the men, Cecil Mouland and his determination to live, and also Captain Abe Keans pride against the morals of Saint Johns. Every human being going those adversity through their lifetime, whether it be failing school, trouble with friends or family or even getting to school on time. Throughout the story Jesse Collins was referred to as the â€Å"Indomitable Jesse Collins†. On the first night that the men of the Newfoundland were stuck on the ice the men were tired and hungry from their march from the Newfoundland to the Stephano, all the men wanted to do was to get something to eat and lay down to sleep. Jesse knew that if they stopped moving and slept that they would most likely never get back up again, so instead he motivated the men. He wouldn’t let them sleep or even sit down for any amount of time. Jesse kept the men moving by walking in a circle and patting the back of the fellow in front of them to try to also warm up their shoulders. When the men’s eyelids would become frozen shut by the ice they would stumble around blind until Jesse Collins came to each of them, on by one he would bit off the ice chunks from the eyebrows and eyelids so they could see once again. In turn of him biting off the pieces of ice he froze he lips. Since Jesse was so determined to keep the men on his pan alive, that he lost only a couple of men during the night in contrast to Dawson’s pan which was referred to as a morgue. Cecil Mouland was a seventeen year old at the time of the time of the disaster, it was his first time going onto the ice. Cecil had to walk to Doting Cove with his cousin Ralph Mouland and a few friends. Cecil was determined from the time they realized that they were stuck on the ice that he was going to survive. Cecil stayed close to his Ralph because he said that if Ralph died his cousins parents would blame him. One of the reasons that Ralph lived on the ice was because of Cecil not allowing him to sleep for anymore than a few minutes, and also from Cecil sharing his chewing tobacco with him. The reason that Cecil had chewing tobacco with him was because his grandfather told him to never let his face freeze or that would be the end of him so he chewed on the tobacco the entire time he was on the ice until the last night where he ran out of it. Cecil was heard saying numerous times that he wasn’t going to die and that he was going to see his girlfriend Jessie once again. When the rescuers came, Cecil was carried on a stretcher back to the ship. When he passed a seal he asked for it to be killed so he could drink its blood and eat its heart, he was quoted as saying it made him feel a little bit more human. Cecil made it back to his sweetheart Jessie, he married her and lived for more than fifty years after the tragedy. Captain Abe Kean was a well respected captain before and after the disaster, and was held with high regard. When the captain testified at the trail about the Newfoundland Disaster he believed every word he said and even went as far to say that he did everything above and beyond his duty. Captain Abe Kean was stuck in the middle of the disaster because the Newfoundland men were being sent to his ship on the first night that they were stuck on the ice. When they reached the Stephano they were told to get a quick bite then to get back over the side onto the ice and head Southwest to a patch of seals. When one of Abe Keans sons sent a message to him to asking about the situation of the Newfoundland crew it was left out of the message that the Stephano received. When the trail first became and the people of Saint Johns wanted to hear Captain Abe Keans side of the story they were able to hear it because he was still out on the ice sending his watches over the side for more pelts so he could be high liner of the season. Throughout the entire thing he never once admitted that he was the cause or at fault for the disaster, the only thing he said that could have been an admission of guilt was that if the Newfoundland crew had taken any longer to get to the Stephano he would of sent them all back to the Newfoundland so then they wouldn’t of been stuck out on the ice. More than these three men had to endure their own challenges during the Newfoundland Disaster, the survivors showed they had the endurance and the will to go on living. The examples that I have shown you from the novel Death On The Ice shows you the peril on the human will that the men had to endure to survive the night and also to be happy with their conscious.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Silvio Berlusconi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Silvio Berlusconi - Research Paper Example These are the personal scandals, but he was also convicted in Italian courts of more serious scandals – tax fraud and wiretapping violations. Yet, Berlusconi managed to always retain power, even after losing power, by regaining it through media manipulation. He virtually owns the media in Italy, so he was able to make the Italian people believe that in his story, the way that he would spin it. Meanwhile, he has tarnished his critics with allegations against them. The media manipulation is apparently still afoot, as Berlusconi, as recently as the February 2013 elections, came within 1% of the popular vote for Prime Minister. This essay will examine Berlusconi’s rise to power, his scandals, and why he still is a popular figure, even after all he has been accused of. Discussion Silvio Berlusconi is one of the most corrupt men to ever assume the mantle of Prime Minister, in Italy or any other place in the world. His origins were humble, however. According to the BBC News (2 013), Berlusconi began his business career selling vacuums and singing on a cruise ship. He graduated from law school in 1961, and, ten years later, he launched a local cable-television outfit, called Telemilano, which grew into Mediaset, which is one of Italy’s biggest media empires. ... not last long, for he lost the 1996 election, amid a collapse of his government, seven months into his term, because, in part, Berlusconi was indicted for tax fraud in a Milan court. He came back into power in 2001, before being defeated again in 2006, then returning to office in 2008 under the People of Freedom party (Profile: Silvio Berlusconi). Berlusconi came to power in 1994 by assuring the Italians that he represented a different kind of leader from what they were accustomed to, according to Donadio & Povoledo (2011). He stated that Italy did not have freedom and was too ruled by the past, in their economics and their social issues. The old political parties, before Berlusconi came to power, were the Christian Democratic Party and the Communist Party, and Berlusconi represented something different than what these two parties were offering. Berlusconi was offering himself as a leader, and his qualifications, according to Donadio & Povoledo (2011) was his immense wealth. He was r e-elected in 2001 because he was able to deliver, to every doorstep, a magazine-sized volume, titled â€Å"An Italian Story†regarding his life. This print offering showcased Berlusconi as a self-made businessman, a family man and a ladies’ man, while showing his love for soccer (Donadio & Povoledo, 2011). Donadio & Povoledo (2011) argue that Berlusconi was popular because he was seen as the sort that the Italian man would admire and want to emulate – somebody who was charismatic, sexually powerful and wealthy. Donadio & Povoledo (2011) state that Berlusconi was able to come to power, and keep power, for another reason – he controlled the media. Because he controlled the media, he controlled how he was portrayed to the people. He began with a broadcasting company, Mediaset, which
Friday, September 27, 2019
Lawrence v. Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Lawrence v. Texas - Essay Example Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). He added that the statute on Anti-sodomy controls a personal relationship which is considered to be â€Å"within the liberty of persons to choose,†Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). In this case, the petitioners were both consenting adults during the time the alleged offense was committed which was held in private, Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). He added that the liberty protected by the Constitution gives substantial protection to adult persons in deciding how to conduct their private lives especially on matters related to sex, considered to be an intimate and a personal choice, Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). Hence, in conclusion, the Justice commented that the State cannot degrade the existence of these acts of private sexual conduct by making it a crime nor can it justify invasion into the personal and private life of an individual absent any legitimate state interest, Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). Justice Kennedy explained that if a statute was held to be invalid under the Equal Protection Clause, then there might be a way that such statute may be considered as valid if circumstances were changed, for instance, if the prohibition of a conduct is applied either between the same sex or different sex participants, Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). He explained that the stigma of making a protected conduct criminal still remains if the substantive validity of the statute is not examined and even if it were not enforceable under equal protection reasons, Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). Furthermore, being a criminal offense, it subjects the person to all the consequences, which may either be the punishment or in his job applications thereafter, for such a â€Å"state-sponsored condemnation,†Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003). Declaring
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Does the ever present popularity and cross over of 'ethnic crafts' and Essay
Does the ever present popularity and cross over of 'ethnic crafts' and products signify a new aesthetic interchange or simply another form of cultural appropria - Essay Example stance the African Period of Picasso (between 1907-1909) when he was heavily influenced by African Sculptures that was also engendered by an interest in the present interest in Africa (French colonial exposure of Africa brought forth â€Å"exotic†news of African animals, tribes, cannibalism and overall primitivism) gave his work a historical as well as commercial value. Hence, I shall explore why and how cultural appropriation (if at all we can call it that) is actually a philistine way of assuming that ethnic craft representation to a Western audience shall always be somewhat mysterious, unknown, open to manipulation by Western thoughts and practices and is also somewhat full of â€Å"untouched†variety. These assumptions are almost always taken into account when representing ethnic art and thus represent another idea of the â€Å"white man’s burden†still on the run and notions of â€Å"Orientalism†isn’t over as yet, even in the age of Gl obalization. It is not so much an aesthetic interchange as much a thirst for giving the art a new dimension unknown to most western eye. When the question of appropriation comes into the picture, the questions of artistic intentions too follow. With it comes the speculation of the vanguard of exchange – where and how it happens. Does it follow any trend or does it depend on a single artists quest for something beyond the discipline of Western Aesthetics? Or is it just another form of responding to current socio-historical or political trends? I guess it is all of the above and more! Let us explore why and how. Previously the influence in art forms at least before the beginning and formation of the Imperialistic Discourse, was somewhat beyond the scope of this â€Å"Self†and the â€Å"Other†demarcation. With new discovery during the Renaissance, the Islamic tin-glazed pottery and lusterware became the most dominant form of ceramics in Spain. It continued from a period of 13th Century till the very beginning of 16th century,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What specific contributions did Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Diderot Essay
What specific contributions did Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Diderot make to the age of the Enlightenment - Essay Example With his ‘Philosophic Letters on the English’, Voltaire conveyed profound appreciation of English life including its religious toleration, political liberty, and freedom of the press. Aside from religious tolerance of the era, he also supported the advocacy for ‘deism’ or a religious perception based on Newtonian principle which assumed the existence of a mechanic (God) that formed the universe. Discuss the significance and the influence of John Locke and Isaac Newton on the Enlightenment. The age of Enlightenment also witnessed growing interest toward influences derived from scientific awareness the concepts of which had flourished through geniuses like Isaac Newton, who had his most remarkable creation of ‘Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’ published in 1687. The mathematical proofs for his universal law of gravitation as well as the full account of astronomical studies initiated by Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus were covered in t his work which also pointed out the essential rules of reasoning from which the Universal Law evolved. Consequently, Newton’s ‘Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy’ was crucial to the development of ‘Scientific Revolution’ wherein abiding by such is ascertained to reform a person’s view of the world, of European religious traditions, and of science in ancient times. The ‘Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy’ substantiates four primary rules to follow with the first being the admission of ‘no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearance’. Thus, based on the second rule, ‘to the same natural effects’ humans must ‘as... This paper includes questions and answers on the Enlightenment. Since the Enlightenment demonstrates a post-Renaissance interest focus in man as the enduring subject of intellectual revolution, the advancements of the era greatly favored reformations in philosophies and sciences between the 16th and 18th centuries. Hence, arts and literature were paid limited to negligible attention unlike in the period of Renaissance in which artistic pursuits of various forms counted in almost every aspect of living. Just as the Renaissance broke away from the Middle Ages when religious reign paved the way for the absolute rule of monarchs, so did the Enlightenment impair the spiritual and cultural values that were of indispensable value to arts and literature alike. While the Newtonian science, for instance, inevitably found its way to shape cultural expressions in the west, it highly manifests itself in philosophical forms complied with by Europeans who had attempted to determine parallels of sci entific approach with handling social affairs where discovery to resolve circumstances of human conflicts is of huge concern.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Answering the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Answering the questions - Essay Example c. Cubital tunnel syndrome: Is a syndrome that relates to the effect of pressure exerted on the ulnar nerve in the hand; thus, resulting in various problems such as pain, weakness, swelling, clumsiness, and unresponsiveness of the small and ring fingers. In most cases, the syndrome causes pain in the elbow on the arm’s side near the chest. d. Tendonitis: Refers to the tendon inflammation, swelling and irritation on the inside sheath due to the overextending of arms overhead. Given that the tendons attach the bones to the muscles, a degeneration of the tendons (tendonitis) would result in the symptoms of this condition. This condition is also the most frequently diagnosed cumulative trauma disorder (CTD). e. Pronation: Refers to the roll of the foot inward when a person is either walking or running. As a result of this, it provides for the distribution of the force of impact on the foot and leg muscles, and the roll usually takes place at about 15%; thus, coming into complete contact with the ground. However, pronation is crucial to the absorption of shock in a proper sense as it helps in the pushing off the foot from the front. f. Supination: This is a clear opposite of pronation; thus, refers to a condition in which the foot rolls outwards and places more weight on the outside of the foot. It may be considered as an over-pronation given that the forearm or foot and leg would make a corresponding movement to the outwards and faces upwards (Skeat 153). g. Rotation: This term is used to describe the movement of muscles at the body joint in relation to each other, but towards the center of the body and around the central axis. Rotation commonly occurs at shoulder joints. The occurrences of rotation may be referred to in various terms depending on the location of the body where it happens, and the involved muscles such as teres major, anterior deltoid, pectoralis, subscapularis,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Teaching in Nursing Education discussion posts Assignment
Teaching in Nursing Education discussion posts - Assignment Example This has hampered â€Å"staff development... managers are eager to get nurses into staffing; some are reluctant to send them to classes they should have before they start working.†This has curtailed the educational development of nurses leading to a shortage of specialized nurses (who would be preceptors) as hospitals are less willing to invest in the education of nurses (National League of Nursing, 2011). Nursing is more than a course taught at a college or university, it is a practical subject that has to facilitate hands on learning using hospitals. â€Å"The increase in numbers of students entering nursing programs there has become an increased competition for acute care clinical sites†and this has limited time for practice. This problem can be addressed by requiring that each nursing teaching facility build a teaching hospital before it is certified by the state education agencies (National League for Nursing, 2005). Huang, H. (2002). â€Å"Towards constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments.†British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(1), 27-37. Retrieved from
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Is Thai Airways going to bankruptcy Research Paper
Is Thai Airways going to bankruptcy - Research Paper Example uld take up shares with the business, beginning April 1, 1988, to be the major shareholder with an estimated 51.03% of the company’s shareholdings, while the remaining 48.97% is owned by investors in the domestic and foreign markets, also including the company’s employees (THAI, 2013). Through the years, the company has experienced various challenges, benefits, and implemented different strategies to remain competitive and profitable in a highly competitive international market (Shoffner, Shelly, & Cooke, 2011). There is speculation that Thai Airways may be going bankrupt, following several challenges in generation of revenue. Different scholars and publications have closely followed the progress of the company, often making speculations, and detailing the actions taken by various entities in an effort to prevent the company from going bankrupt. The impeding bankruptcy of the airline follows a number of decisions made by the company, with respect to the market forces. T he extent to which the investors are willing to get involved in the recovery efforts will determine the probability and possibility of the company failing. In this study, the aim is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company finances and situation to establish the basis of bankruptcy claims and probabilities. Thai Airways is an entity in the transportation industry, such that the ministry of transport manages the domestic, regional and international routes. The nature of the venture means that the products and services offered include air passenger, cargo and mail transport, warehouse, ground passage, ground equipment, and catering and maintenance services. Although the company is renowned for the air passenger services, the other services serve to support this core service. Under the service, the company has witnessed growth in the customers as well as fleet of airplanes, but challenges have resulted in premonitions on the company’s bankruptcy. Improvements to the services offered and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The KBR Swindon Essay Example for Free
The KBR Swindon Essay INTRODUCTION The KBR Swindon warehouse facility is responsible for the receipt, storage, maintenance and out-loading of equipment in support of KBR global contracts. It is also the long-term storage and logistic facility for UK KBR based projects. The Warehouse Manager has overall Health and Safety responsibility for all the projects working out of this facility. The Swindon Safety Management System is based on BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification. As part of KBR Management System review, the Swindon Warehouse completes quarterly Project Status Review (PSR) to feed information in to the overall KBR management system review. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this report is to ensure that all projects working in this facility are in compliance with the KBR Health and Safety management system and is meeting legal requirements. This report will also provide an opportunity to review the effective communication and cooperation between different projects sharing one facility and identify the effectiveness of the management system, conclusions, recommendations and an action plan if improvements are required. METHODOLOGY The methodology of this audit is to review the policies, objectives and management system of the KBR Swindon warehouse facility for the safe receipt, storage and maintenance of equipment. This will entail reviewing the implementations of risk assessments, communications between the management and the workforce which includes compliance with current legislation, KBR Instructions and Procedures, various safety meetings and the KBR Safety Policy. The documentation that will be used in the audit will include: The warehouse Health and Safety plan to ensure that there is management commitment to health and safety in the warehouse. Emergency procedures to ensure suitable and sufficient procedures are in place in case of an emergency. Minutes of meetings to review whether Health and Safety concerns are being discussed and review the outcome and corrective actions. Accident records to assess whether there are any trends and significant near miss incidents. Risk assessments to ensure that all risks has been assessed and that mitigation measures put in place is suitable and sufficient to control the risk as low as reasonably practicable. Method statements to ensure that the tasks are being conducted in a safe manner. Training records to ensure that all employees and visitors are aware of the Health and Safety arrangements. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATION The building is a large 240,000ft2 open-plan warehouse containing two-storey offices on the North end of the warehouse. The warehouse also has 2 integral two-storey offices, welfare and canteen units. The warehouse is a rented facility and the Warehouse Manager has regular meetings with the landlord representative to deal with issues regarding the fabric of the buildings, services and surrounding hard standing within the tenanted estate. The occupancy of the warehouse consists of six KBR staff including the warehouse manager. Approximately five agency employees are used dependant on the activities scheduled for the week. Main work patterns for the warehouse staff are to move the equipment in to the testing area, test the equipment, clean and fix any defective equipment to ensure the readiness for deployment. The main risks to the warehouse staff include forklift truck operations, manual handling and mechanical hazards working with power tools. In addition, the offices at the warehouse are used as a call centre which is completely separate from the work being conducted in the storage facility. This is a secure access area and is set up in an open-plan office environment with approximately 30 desks. This call centre is manned 24 hours a day and will always have a minimum of 2 occupants. However, occupancy could increase to 30 for training days, interviews and meetings. The main risks to the call centre operators are Work Related Upper Limb Disorders as a result of poor ergonomics and lone working hazards. LEGAL ENVIRONMENT There is no Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or Environmental Agency (EA) censures or improvement notices placed on the site by the HSE or EA. Pertinent hazards addressed by risk assessments at this facility are categorised below. There is a duty on the Warehouse manager to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place for work equipment as described in The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). A lot of different types of machinery will be used in the warehouse area which the warehouse manager will need to ensure complies with the PUWER before they are commissioned for use. Regulations 4 to 10 sets out the management duties of PUWER covering the selection of suitable equipment, maintenance, inspection, specific risks, information, instructions and training. Seeing as the equipment has been bought second hand, it will need to be inspected by a competent person, producing a risk assessment and providing information, instruction and training to all warehouse staff on the use of the machinery. Regulations 11 to 24 of PUWER cover guarding of dangerous parts of work equipment, the provision of appropriate stop and emergency stop controls, stability, suitable and sufficient lighting and suitable warning markings or devices. The inspection of machinery will identify dangerous parts of the equipment and the warehouse manager will need to ensure that the guards are fitted to the machines before the machines are commissioned. The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) apply in relation to all work activities undertaken by KBR where lifting equipment and operations as defined by the regulations are used. This legislation expands on the general requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and complements the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). KBR has a duty under these regulations in situations where lifting equipment is used by employees at work, to ensure that the lifting equipment and associated lifting operations are carried out safely. In addition, persons who have any control of lifting operations, or who supervise or manage the use of lifting equipment also have a duty under the Regulations, but only to the extent of their control. LOLER requires the Warehouse manager to conduct a risk assessment on the forklift trucks which will be used inside the warehouse and the measures needed to eliminate or control the ris ks. Regulation 6 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and its supporting Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) provides the warehouse manager with general requirements about ventilation of the warehouse and equipment used to ventilate the warehouse. Regulation 7 of The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) requires the warehouse manager to prevent or control the exposure of employees to substances hazardous to their health. Compliance with this Regulation is particularly important as incident reports from the warehouse has indicated a near miss incident where an employee took receipt of a delivery and spilled a chemical due to poorly packaged bottles. If any of the risk assessments identifies that personal protection is required, then the Warehouse manager will need to ensure that personal protection equipment (PPE) is provided in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. The Warehouse manager needs to ensure that a stock of PPE is available for visitors and employees who do not have the right PPE when entering the warehouse. The Warehouse manager also has a duty under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) to conduct a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment and to ensure that Fire safety arrangements are in place to elimination or reduction of risks from dangerous substances. The warehouse manager faces the challenge to manage both the warehouse and the call centre employees during an emergency. Under the same regulations the Warehouse manager should ensure means are available for fire-fighting and fire detection and that there are adequate emergency routes and exits from the warehouse. KBR will have generally assessed fire evacuation routes, means of detection and raising the alarm at all of its sites. Details of these arrangements are usually contained in the fire risk assessments kept at each site. KBR managers are required to do the following to maintain fire prevention measures: Ensure that a suitable fire risk assessment is in place. Ensure that any actions arising from external inspections are acted upon in an appropriate and timely manner. Often this will mean monitoring improvements to be carried out by the client, and in all cases will require the addition of information to local health, safety and environmental plans. Carry out regular housekeeping checks to ensure that items are not being stored inappropriately, especially near hot or electrical equipment, that escape routes are not blocked and that fire safety equipment has not been interfered with. Ensure employees do not increase the fire risk at an office or similar by using faulty electrical goods, smoking in a non-designated area or storing refuse inappropriately. Ensure that records are completed whenever there have been any checks or maintenance of fire safety equipment/fixtures using Fire Equipment Inspection Sheet. Ensure fire prevention measures are communicated to staff, contractors and visitors. The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (HSCER) requires the Warehouse manager to consult employees on the information required about risks to their health and safety and preventative measures in place. All management and staff in a working environment need to follow the KBR FIRST AID guidance as a minimum standard in order to ensure the health, safety and welfare of KBR employees and other persons who may be affected by our undertakings. First Aid at work covers the initial management of any injury or illness suffered at work. First Aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (as amended 2009), all workplaces must make provisions for first aid, to be readily available at appropriate times. The Control of ASBESTOS Regulations 2012 requires KBR to prevent the exposure of its employees to asbestos so far as is reasonably practicable. To achieve this KBR must ensure perform suitable and sufficient assessments in accordance with HSG 264 Asbestos: the survey guide that determines whether asbestos is present on the premises. This was arranged by the premises owner prior to KBR occupying the premises and Asbestos areas were identified within the warehouse. KBR must ensure that the warehouses owner: †¢ Determines the risk from the asbestos. †¢ Prepares a written plan identifying the area of the premises concerned and the measures necessary for managing the asbestos risk. †¢ Implement the measure in the plan. †¢ Record the measures taken to implement the plan. These measures should include adequate means for: †¢ Monitoring the condition of any asbestos or suspected asbestos. †¢ Maintaining the asbestos or its safe removal. †¢ Providing information identifying the location and condition of identified asbestos to any person likely to disturb it and making this information available to the emergency services. The Control of NOISE at Work Regulations 2005 will need to be considered for a backup generator placed inside the warehouse where Warehouse staff will be working during their normal working day. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 places the following duties on to the Warehouse manager: †¢ Carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk to the health and safety of employees who are liable to noise exposure at or above any Lower Exposure Action Levels. †¢ Record the significant findings of the assessment and ensure that it is reviewed regularly and revised as required. †¢ Record any measurements taken. †¢ Ensure that the risk assessment has been carried out by a competent person. †¢ Reduce noise exposure to as low as is reasonably practicable, by means of organisational and technical measures other than personal hearing protectors, where any employee is likely to be exposed above any Upper Exposure Action Levels. †¢ Hearing protection is to be available on request for any employee exposed above the lower exposure action value, and must be provided to any employee exposed at or above the upper exposure action level. †¢ Designated areas where employees are likely to be exposed to or above the upper action level as hearing protection zones. †¢ Ensure that no employee enters designated hearing protection zones unless they are wearing ear protectors. †¢ Provide employees with information, training and instruction about risks, control measures, hearing protection and safe working practices. Warehouse staff will be conducting manual handling activities during their normal working day so the warehouse manager will need to ensure compliance with the MANUAL HANDLING Operation Regulations 1992. The Warehouse manager need to ensure a suitable and sufficient assessments of all such manual handling operations are undertaken and have taken into account all foreseeable risks. In addition to the legal environment in the warehouse, the Warehouse manager needs to ensure compliance with The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 to minimise to eliminate or reduce possible eyesight or musculoskeletal disorders due to the effects of continual display screen equipment use. REVIEW OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The KBR Swindon Safety Management System is based on BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard and follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology. DESCRIPTION The general requirement of the Planning stage is to define and document the scope of the management system. This information is captured in the KBR Corporate HSE Policy which is a global document and is written in a very general and broad manner in an effort to comply with all possible projects on a global level. The management system has a process in place for hazard identification, risk assessment and determining controls covered in various work methods. The HSE Risk Assessment work method provides guidance on the specific duty placed upon KBR to carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of all risks to the health and safety of employees and others, arising at or from a work activity. The Identification and Evaluation of HSE Legislative and Other Requirements process map identifies relevant HSE legislative requirements applicable and is recorded in the HSE Requirements Register. The KBR Swindon HSE Plan contains an organisation charts which clearly identifies roles, responsibilities and accountability for everyone working at the warehouse. KBR needs to ensure that everyone working in the warehouse is competent and experienced for the work that they are doing. The KBR Swindon Training Strategy contains a Training matrix to ensure appropriate level of competence at different levels of authority. The HSE Management system is available to all employees on the KBR intranet and regularly reviewed, updated and communicated via the intranet. KBR operates a three-tiered emergency response procedure whereby all projects and locations will ensure a Local Emergency Response Plan (LERP) is in place to manage low level emergencies. The KBR warehouse can then escalate the emergency to a Level 2 Incident Commander if it is deemed necessary and the Level 2 Incident Commander can escalate to a Level 3 global status in severed circumstances. KBR operates an integrated management system so the Audit Management System process required by the Quality Management System is used to conduct audits to determine the effectiveness of the controls in place. Health and Safety performance is measured using incident and accident statistics and completing monthly project reviews. Each project is set a target, usually a 10% reduction from the previous years incident rate, and is monitored against this target. This information is then discussed in a management review meeting on a quarterly basis.
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay
A Study On Adobe Flash Cs4 Computer Science Essay Adobe Flash CS4 provides newly features which are very easy to be used. Designing using Flash had become easier and more efficient. Designer can easily applies tweening technique to a symbol and smoothly modify the motion paths. The success project can be delivered to a very wide audience. Adobe Flash CS4 can help to deliver this interactive multimedia to web browsers, mobile devices and computes. The newly 3D Translation and 3D Rotation, Bones, and Deco had bring a new animating, interesting and creative experience to the designers. The workspace of the Adobe Flash CS4 is now more elegant and can be set into different style which suitable for everyone. With Adobe Flash CS4, the complicated animation can now be created easier and quicker. In Adobe Flash CS4, creating animation had become easier compare to the previous version which needs to involve with the keystrokes, symbol creation and manual placement of key frames and adjusting the tweens on the timeline. It will be more difficult and time consuming when creating and editing the animations. With Adobe Flash CS4, designers can straightly apply the motion tweens technique directly to the object itself compare to the previous version which need to apply through the key frames. Now, creating an animation is incredibly easy which only within two steps. The motion path which is automatically generated can be easily edited using the Bezier handles. Besides that, the timing of the animation can be easily adjusted in the timeline and without breaking the tweening of the object. With this features being introduced in Flash Adobe CS4, new users and advanced developers or designers can gain more control on the object for developing an animation. (Adobe, 2008) Motion Presets Panel Adobe Flash CS4 provides a library which is full of prebuilt animations for the designers or developers to start their project. The motion presets panel is very easy to understand and use. Besides that, it will be a time saver for project which had little time. Users can easily define a motion preset through saving the object which had tween applied on it. While users can apply the presets by just simply click on the preset on the motion presets panel. Motion Editor Panel Another new feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the motion editor panel. In Adobe Flash CS4, key frames had a new and important role with the introduction of the object based animation. With the new motion editor panel, users can now independently control over the key frames parameters which include size, scale, positions, etc. The motion editor panel allows users to control over the key frames of the animation graphically using curves. The fine control over tweens had been brought back with the motion editor panel which will let the users to fine tune the animation parameters for their each attributes. (Adobe, 2008) Bones tool In Adobe Flash CS4, there is a new feature which is known as bones tool. With the bones tool, users can now create inverse kinematics animation easily. The bone tools are very useful for the movement of character in an animation. The bones tool is a tool which can link a series of objects together and create an effect like chains. The bones tool is like bones in human bodies which will moves in a definitive way. The bones will be able to let users to link several objects together. After that, users can easily and quickly animate the object via controlling the movement of each segment of the object which had link with the bones. The bones can be easily created by just simply click and drag between the symbols. For an example, the bones tool can be use in the part of the mechanical machine which is use to pick up things. (Adobe, 2008) Deco Tool In the designing part, deco tool is the new feature which was being added in Adobe Flash CS4. The deco tool provides a new and more creative way to design symbols for users. It is great whether on creating or other effects. The deco tool lets the user to unleash their creativity through the different types of drawing effects which are available. The vine fill effect fills the background with a pattern of branching plant formation. The grid fill effect fills the background with patterns of symbol which are selected by the users. While the symmetry brush will allows the user to create kaleidoscope-like effects. (Adobe, 2008) Sample Sound Library Another fantastic feature of the Adobe Flash CS4 is the sample sound library. Adobe Flash CS4 has a library which is full of various kinds of sound effects. Users can now easily apply sound effects to their project. In order to add sound effects to the project, users can simply drag and drop the sound to the project from the library to the frame on the timeline. Besides that, users can also download sounds from the internet and then import it to the sound library in order to apply it to the project. (Adobe, 2008) Macromedia Flash 8 Macromedia Flash 8 is the software which allows designers to design animations, videos, games and advertisements. In Macromedia Flash 8, it had several improvements over the work flow and the design tools which are the run time blend mode, filters and effects, alpha channel video and file size shrinking and playback time. The major change of Macromedia Flash 8 compare to the previous version is the Flashs video capabilities. The enhanced video capabilities provide a wider range of codec and output options which unavailable in the previous version. Macromedia Flash 8 provides more advanced controls for the users and made complex actions and effects just within one click. The action script for Macromedia Flash 8 now has script assists which will help the beginner users to learn and use action script easier. (Jacobi, 2005) New Blend Mode In Macromedia Flash 8, the new blend mode is a totally new feature compare to the previous version. The blend mode is a feature which can applies graphical effects to the movie clips or buttons which are created by the users. The new blend mode includes the normal, darken, lighten, hard, light, invert, alpha, etc effects. (Cipollo, 2011) New Filter Effects Besides the new blend mode, users can now also add glow, blur, shadow and adjustable color effects to the movie clips or buttons. This feature will be an ideal for creating the Fireworks style of effects quickly and easily. Users can easily apply these effects by just choosing it from the filter tab which is located on the Property Inspector. The size of the Flash document file will not increase because the filter effects were applied on the runtime. (Cipollo, 2011) New Drawing Mode Macromedia Flash 8 is now features with the new drawing which is called the object drawing mode. In this mode, users can now draw an object on another object and the shapes of both of the objects will still remain. So, users can now move the top object and no need to worry the shape of the object below will be destroyed. Users can easily change between the new object drawing mode and old merge mode through the toggle button which is located in the toolbar of Macromedia Flash 8. (Cipollo, 2011) Script Assists Now, Macromedia Flash 8 comes with a new feature which is known as the script assists. It will become easier to apply action script to the movie clip with the new scrip assists feature. The script assists feature will prompts suggestions of syntax for the users. Besides that, it will also explain the parameter choices of the code for the users. So, users which are not very familiar with action script can easily learn it through this feature and use the action script. (Cipollo, 2011) Custom Ease In/Ease Out The custom ease in or ease out is also one of the new feature which is available in the Macromedia Flash 8. Users can now easily control the speed, scale, color and filters of the animation with this custom ease in/ease out feature. Users will control the animation through a graph like tool that uses a Bezier curve. Users can edit the attributes of the animation via editing the curve in the dialog box. With this new feature being introduced, designer can now have a better control and runtime results of the animation. (Cipollo, 2011) Bitmap Caching Flash continuously redraws the vector object when movie plays because it is a vector based program. Bitmap caching will help users to improve the animation performance to become faster through reducing the calculations which occur during the movie. Users should cache their vector movies into bitmap before continue on their vector image. Users will know which vector objects can be cache as bitmaps in the Flash movie through the use action script or property inspector. (Reiven, 2006) Action Script Action Script is a type of coding language which was developed by Adobe. It is use with flash to create animations, videos and games. There are few versions of action script which are 1.0, 2.0 and the latest 3.0. Action Script 2.0 Action script 2.0 adds some new runtime functionality which improves the object oriented development in flash. It formalizes the object oriented programming syntax and methodology. In action script 1.0, it is lack of traditional vocabulary for creating classes and objects. While action script 2.0 has the feature of supporting syntactic for traditional object oriented. It will provide class keywords for the user when creating classes and extends for inheritance. Action Script 3.0 In action script 3.0, there is a new action script virtual machine which is known as the AVM2 that uses new instruction set of byte code and the performance also had been improve. Besides that, the 3.0 version also had become a more modern compiler code base which is now closer to the ECMAScript standards. The application programming interface (API) of action script had also been expanded and improved compare to the previous versions. In this version of action script, it is designed to work with a more complex application which has large data sets and object oriented code bases. With AVM2, the code can be executed ten times faster than the previous versions of action script code. Action script 3.0 also is compatible with the older version. For example, action script 3.0 codes can load swf files which are written in 1.0 or 2.0. In this new version, there will be no more stage coding available. It means that users cannot apply scripts directly to the movie clip using on() and onClipEven(). Now, the stage instanced will be automatically declared. With Flash CS3 or greater versions, it will help users to simplify the application entry point. It will help instantiating the class for the users. Besides that, there will be no more onEventHandlers and is now replace by EventDispatcher. Users can now access the data from the URLs immediately. The object oriented programming will improves the development of a project through breaking down into objects. Object oriented programming actually is not a must in action script 3.0, but it helps the cases with large projects which involved multiple programmers. (Adobe, nd)
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